Editorial Services

Editorial Services

Lehigh University
Communications and Public Affairs
301 Broadway, 4th Floor - Suite 400
Bethlehem, PA 18015
P: 610-758-4487
Fax: 610-758-5566
Email: communications@lehigh.edu
Website: www.lehigh.edu/communications

Editorial Services Staff

Mary Ellen Alu
Director, Editorial Services

Stephen Gross
Christina Tatu
Stephanie Veto

Michael Layden: Human Brain Shares its Blueprint with Sea Anemones

New research finds the same genetic mechanisms at work during neural development in both humans and Nematostella vectensis.

Squawk: What is Your Favorite Lehigh Football Memory?

From The Rivalry to a piece of a goal post, members of the Lehigh community recall Lehigh traditions and other moments.

A Message From President Helble

A message sent to members of the Lehigh campus community.

Georgette Chapman Phillips: A Decade of Growth at the College of Business

Georgette Chapman Phillips to step down after a decade leading the College of Business.

Pumpkins and Power Tools

Festivities for the 2023 Family and Founder's Weekend took place across campus throughout the final weekend of September.

Let's Roll Up Our Sleeves

A letter from President Joseph J. Helble '82.

Scientist Ugochinyere Nancy Oloyede is Investigating Development of Antiviral Drugs

The Ph.D. candidate investigates ways to better synthesize molecules that could be building blocks for antiviral drugs.

PlasTech Ventures Works to Redirect Plastics From Streets, Oceans in Philippines

The Global Social Impact Fellowship team tackles plastic pollution in the Philippines.

Exhibition Explores Themes Related to Human Body

Bodies of Knowledge explores themes related to the body, such as movement, sensation, decoration, ritual and costume.

Remembering Michael R. Notis ’60 ’63G ’69 Ph.D.

The professor emeritus in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering was also a world-renowned archaeometallurgist.

Let’s Keep the Momentum Going

Career outcomes for Lehigh students have always been extraordinary. How can alumni augment the career support that undergraduates receive?

Fundraising Campaign Extended

Top priorities of GO Beyond: The Campaign for Future Makers include scholarships, renovations and building projects, and the Lehigh Fund.

A Show of Hawks-pitality

Evan Stein ’93 among alumni thriving in the hospitality industry.

​​​​​​​Lehigh Business Innovation Building Wins 2023 National Design Award

Voith & Mactavish Architects earn SARA award for their technology-driven design.

Is AI Consuming Your Feed?

New research demonstrates how AI-recommended social media content influences one’s brain and purchasing behaviors.

Enhancing the Engineering Lab Experience

Lehigh's STEM Visualizations team pioneers an online simulator to propel students into a new realm of interactive and comprehensive learning.

11.6.23: Inspiring the Future Makers Progress

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.

A Day of Service

Skanska and Lehigh staff and students volunteered in support of the Fountain Hill Elementary School Food Bank.

Schematic: Predicting Wildfires

Research by Professor Paolo Bocchini and doctoral student Xinyue Wang provides the methodology for predicting when powerline ignition is likely in high winds.